Contemporary Outdoor Kitchen Pergola No. KP5 Asked to design a structure for an existing outdoor kitchen in a contemporary motif, we created this asymmetrical pergola. Open style post assemblies were used at the garden end to help facilitate vine growth. In order not...
Outdoor Kitchen Pergola No. KP4 This large pergola is a perfect accent to a beautifully constructed outdoor kitchen. The pergola helps to define the outdoor room, while providing relief from the sun. Cantilevered over the outdoor kitchen area, the pergola has been...
Outdoor Kitchen Pergola No. KP3 This small and economical structure was designed to visually frame the outdoor kitchen while retaining the open quality of the area. An interesting attachment was devised for maintaining the stability of the structure while not...
Outdoor Kitchen Pergola No. KP1 An exquisite patio area with an outdoor kitchen is accented with an overhead pergola. This structure will be covered with climbing vines to create an elegant shaded seating area. The beams and rafters were extended several feet beyond...
Shade Pergola No. SP10 A very interesting pergola was created as a focal point and framing device for a stunning location overlooking Nantucket Sound. The pergola, in plan view, is a hexagon that has been partially “cut away” thereby creating a large open...
Craftsman Style Pergola with Shade Cloth No. SP9 This structure, a successful collaborative effort with the client, incorporates many facets of a pergola into a unified, functional whole. The pergola is located on the sunny front of the house overlooking a river...